Paternity tests and kinship analyses


Office and Laboratory:
Confidence DNA-Analysen GmbH
Formanekgasse 14/1
1190 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 368 4554

Mag.Susanne Haas, judicially certified expert for human genetics, forensic molecular biology, molecular-genetic investigations and DNA-Analyses
Tel.: +43 699 13678139

Nikolaus Grasern, MA. rer. nat., legal expert for human genetics, forensic molecular biology, molecular-genetic investigations, DNA-Analyses, gene techniques. Also DNA-sequencing expert,

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday from 8.30 am to 4.30pm
No lunch break
Appointments beyond the opening hours are possible – please call: 01 3684554

Home visits
We are the only Laboratory that offers home visits in Vienna.


DNA-Analysen GmbH
Formanekgasse 14/1
A-1190 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 368 4554
Fax.: +43 1 367 9694
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